Society of St. Vincent de Paul Northeast Ohio District Council


Executive Board

Susan Franko, President

Susan has been a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society since 2012. She earned a Master Degree in Education from Youngstown State University and is a retired teacher. She is a member of St. Rose Parish in Girard where she serves as a lector.


Anthony Iannucci, Vice-President

A long time Vincentian with the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton SVdP Conference, Anthony has been committed to community service since his days as a student at JFK Catholic High School.  Anthony returned to the Trumbull County area after college as an accountant and lawyer, serving in a variety of community leadership roles throughout his impressive career. Anthony’s experience and community connections have already proven invaluable serving on the SVdP Executive Board.  

Toni Murray, Secretary

Toni is a lifelong resident of the Mahoning Valley. She is a graduate of Youngstown State University, holds a Masters in Education from Kent State University and taught English in the Warren City Schools for 35 years. She is married to Stephen Murray and the proud mother of two daughters and two grandchildren. Toni is a member of SVdP St. Mary Conference, active in Altar & Rosary Society and a weekly volunteer in the SVdP Dining Hall.

Susan Muccio, Treasurer

Susan has been an active volunteer with St. Vincent de Paul for the past 10 years. She maintains work experience in payroll and accounting responsibilities at a local non-profit organization as well as working for an outpatient rehab clinic. She and her husband Joe have 3 sons and 6 grandchildren and are members of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Vienna.

Community Advisory Board

Dennis Rossi
(Advisory Board Chair)
Owner/Principal, Acrisure Insurance 

Steven Arnold
Head Football Coach, Warren G. Harding High School

Tom Carey
Attorney, Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell

Mayor Doug Franklin
Mayor, City of Warren

Rachel Hrbolich
Diocesan Director at Catholic Charities Diocese of Youngstown

Jim Keating
Retired, Human Resources Director, Trumbull County

Judi LaPolla
Director of Admissions, John F. Kennedy Catholic School

Mike O’Brien
Retired, State Representative, Former Mayor City of Warren

Dr. Avan Odom
Pastor, Friendship Baptist Church, Warren

Michelle Perdue
Owner/Operator at Perdue/McDonalds Inc.