Society of St. Vincent de Paul Northeast Ohio District Council

Saturday, September 21, 2024, 10am to 1pm at Perkins Park in Warren, Ohio

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Trumbull County is a local non-profit organization dedicated to giving help to those in need in our area since 1930. We are the front line of emergency aid for the community; providing daily home cooked meals to more than 8,700 people monthly facing food insecurity, hundreds of food boxes from our four local food pantries, voucher programs for clothing, furniture, factory-fresh mattresses and many other safety-net services and initiatives to those living in poverty in our area. 

The FOP Walk is a national special event that began in 2008 to raise awareness and funds for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This year will mark the Second Annual Walk/ Run for SVdP Trumbull County, joining more than 240 other Friends of the Poor® Walks across the United States in an effort to eradicate poverty. And the best part is that all money raised will stay in Trumbull County! 
